Category Archives: Google Tactics

7 Reasons Your SEO Never Works Out as Planned

Posted by Gabrielle Talley - Senior Search Marketing Manager

If you’re not familiar with using organic search engine optimization (SEO), then your plans are likely to fail. It is the frontrunner for online marketing today, but there’s a lot of factors that go into optimizing your website for the search engines. The list is exhaustive and confusing for anyone new to the SEO scene.

Here’s 7 reasons why your SEO is NOT working for you:

1.  You don’t have the right set of keywords

If your keyword list is not specific to your brand, products, and services, then your website is

The Top 3 Website Pages for a Marketing Campaign

Posted by Gabrielle Talley - Senior Search Marketing Manager

When designing pages for a marketing campaign, there’s three pages that play an important part. However, understand what each one does in the campaign is sometimes a mystery for non-designers and website owners. Here’s a definition of each and their role in the design and function.

Will SEO Services Be Worth My Time and Money in the Marketing Budget?

Posted by Gabrielle Talley - Senior Search Marketing Manager

With a set marketing budget for the year, you may be wondering if SEO is even worth the time and money for your business. If you’re wondering about the return on investment (ROI), then here’s a few facts to know before investing in SEO services.


Yes, of course. We tailor your keywords and content to target your specific set of customers. We include content that answers their questions and gives them information they most want to know about in your industry.

What is a Bounce Rate? What Does It Mean?

Posted by admin

In typical SEO marketing programs, the bounce rate is a value that represents the percentage of users that visit one page on your website and leave immediately without taking any other action on that site, including the following:

  • Selecting an option on any menus on the site
  • Clicking a “read more” link
  • Clicking on any of the internal links to other pages on your site

4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Google My Business Account

Posted by Michael Wilson - Search Marketing Manager

In June 2014, Google rebranded Google + Local–Google’s version of the Yellow Pages–to Google My Business and expanded its capabilities to become an “all-in-one small business online management center.”

Integrates Search with Free Social Media Marketing

Google My Business is tightly integrated with Google Search and Google Maps an easy way for small business to stay in touch with its customers in one, easy to find location. This makes Google My Business an essential component of any inbound marketing strategy.



Contact the Search Marketing Resource team to discuss your online marketing needs or website development requirements. We will provide a detailed proposal or schedule a brief call to help define the project deliverables, timeline and budget.

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