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The Top 3 Website Pages for a Marketing Campaign

Website Planning Phase

When designing pages for a marketing campaign, there’s three pages that play an important part. However, understand what each one does in the campaign is sometimes a mystery for non-designers and website owners. Here’s a definition of each and their role in the design and function.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is attributed to where the visitor “lands” through a link to find information about the product or service. The link could be posted anywhere like Google Adwords, Facebook, or other social networking sites.

The page is set up and designed to guide the visitor through the information they be looking for and to get them to take action. The action is usually to fill out a contact form and/or call the business phone number.

What is a Landing Page?

A squeeze page is where a visitor lands and the only information and option is for them to enter their contact information. It is a page for capturing leads. Usually you provide something for free where visitors can enter their first name and email address to receive the free item.

The free item could be anything from a:

  • Quote
  • Mp3
  • Ebook or PDF
  • Infographic
  • Video
  • And more

What is a Splash Page?

The splash page is often a page that comes up over the original page located at the URL. For instance, the homepage may have a design used on it, but when the splash page is used, it comes up over the homepage with a different design. It is designed to draw the attention of the visitor to the middle of the page where the splash page is located. In the design of a website, it is treated as the most frequently visited page. It usually does receive the most traffic.

Some splash pages have a countdown timer before they disappear and the home page is shown again. Here’s a list of splash page examples.

Our team designs each of these pages for marketing campaigns and websites. Request your website design proposal.



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