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7 Reasons Your SEO Never Works Out as Planned

Design Planning

If you’re not familiar with using organic search engine optimization (SEO), then your plans are likely to fail. It is the frontrunner for online marketing today, but there’s a lot of factors that go into optimizing your website for the search engines. The list is exhaustive and confusing for anyone new to the SEO scene.

Here’s 7 reasons why your SEO is NOT working for you:

1.  You don’t have the right set of keywords

If your keyword list is not specific to your brand, products, and services, then your website is lost in an ocean of other websites. Keywords that are 1-2 words are not as specific as 3-4 word keywords. The shorter keywords are usually targeted by so many websites that the competition is high. Since these are vague, they can also pose a problem when trying to attract searchers interested in buying your services or products. Ideally, you want to have a list of keywords that are a mix of 2-4 words or more and be specific to your products and services.

2.  Your content lacks quality.

Google still rules content as king. The more quality content you have, the better off the site will be. If you think about websites being more like magazines, brochures, or newspapers, then you will know what kind of content you need to add to your blog. The searchers want information so give them as much as possible about your product and service. They would then be able to make an informed decision, which is ultimately what Google is trying to have businesses do with their content. Some of the factors that go into ranking include social media, varieties of content that include video and whitepapers, and blog posts.

3. Your URLs don’t match the page information.

Although this is a small factor in ranking, the URLs that are more related to the content on the page helps in SEO. We recommend short URLs when possible for memorability and not to use excessive hyphens to separate words.

4. Your page titles and meta information is too long or duplicated.

The titles on the page are used in ranking factors for SEO. If the title is too long, Google counts this as a penalty. If other meta information is also long, then you can shorten the title and description.

5. Doing unethical things to get higher rankings.

Google has figured out that there’s a section of SEOs that use unethical, or black hat, methods to get an increase in ranking. If that sounds like something you would not like to mess with, then have your SEO performed the right way using methods that are ethical and safe for Google.

6. You have duplicate content.

If you use the same information on other pages, Google counts this as duplicate content. There was once a misunderstanding about this, thinking that it was on other websites where it would be considered duplicate content, but that isn’t the case. If the duplicate content is on the same site, then it is considered duplicate.

7. You don’t keep the SEO items going.

If you just have SEO applied to your site that can give your site a boost in the rankings. However, Google has stated they give higher rankings to sites where they post content updates frequently, at least 1-2 times per month.

We can perform organic search engine optimization to your website using our program. Contact us for a proposal request for SEO.



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