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How to Create an Effective Lawyer Website to Capture Leads

Website Launch

Not all brands are the same and your website is no different. A lawyer’s website design needs to communicate trust and integrity to visitors. Having a custom designed site can reach a wide audience of potential clients and communicate the values of the business.

What does it take to make a successful lawyer site design?

While it is important to have content on the site, the site also needs a clear call to action. The most successful sites have a “Contact Us” box on each page where visitors can fill out the form and contact the law firm.

It’s important to capture the leads while they are on the site. They may be in the pre-contemplation stage of using the law firm’s services, but the contact form may be the deciding factor where they do contact the law firm.

How does color communicate to a visitor?

The colors on the site must communicate trust and integrity to the visitors of the site. If you look at the psychology of color, there are a few that communicate this to potential clients right away. Of course, if the brand doesn’t contain these colors, it’s important to make the brand colors prominent on the site. The site must communicate a strong brand either way in order to ensure clients get the idea that the law firm is committed to success.

What kind of content do I need?

The content on the site also contributes to the overall design of the site. If the content is compelling and grabs the visitors’ attention, then they will trust the law firm and enter their contact information.

Content is not only written, but also in the forms of videos. Having an introduction or explainer video about the law firm and its clients is helpful for visitors to learn more about how they can receive help with their case.

Do the pages need to load quickly?

Having a slow page load is one of the reasons for visitors to bounce from the site within the first 7 seconds. This affects the bounce rate. Instead, we work with the pages that help keep them loading quickly once a person visits them.

How do I incorporate mobile responsiveness?

Having a mobile responsive site is necessary now more than ever. Google issues penalties for any sites that do not have mobile responsiveness. Since a large number of searchers now use cell phones, tablets, and maybe even Apple watches to perform a search, the site has to be optimized for smaller screens. Otherwise, it could look like a big mess. As the site comes up, it will be organized and optimized for mobile users to find the information they need quickly.



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