Category Archives: Inbound Marketing

3 Ways to Increase Your Online Customer Base

Posted by admin

For stores to survive in today’s marketplaces, they do not exclusively need a physical location. If they have one, they not only need to exist physically, but also to have a website. For a smaller business it is very important to be present online. The reason is because many people like to shop before they buy.

What are Inbound Marketing Strategies?

Posted by Michael Wilson - Search Marketing Manager

An inbound marketing strategy is a strategy designed to attract potential customers to you, instead of “outbound marketing” which is the “traditional” model of advertising which broadcasts advertising to a mass audience that may not even be interested in, or in need of, the goods or services that you offer

Website Optimization Services

Inbound marketing strategies are designed to help your business get discovered by customers who have a specific need for your goods and services.

What is SEO and Why is It Important?

Posted by Michael Wilson - Search Marketing Manager

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and in short, SEO is the art of designing and formatting your website in such a way that Google, as well as other internet search engines, can easily understand it and know what your site is for, and then matches it to users who need the type of information that you have on that site.

Web “crawlers” are automated commands designed to catalog the contents of the World-Wide-Web so that the search engines constantly improve their search algorithms and the results generated by them. Part of this is the wording you use in the content you create for your site, but that is only a very small part of SEO.

The Top 3 Factors That Go Into A Website Ranking High In The Search Engines

Posted by Gabrielle Talley - Senior Search Marketing Manager

Information is at the tip of our fingers, only a Google search away. If you want to provide information, a product or a service, you need to ensure that when potential visitors type their question into Google, your website will be ranked high among the results.  There are different factors that go into a website ranking high in the search engines.

Keyword Searches

The results that Google displays after a keyword search are known as Search Engine Results

Using a Contact Form to Generate Leads

Posted by Puneet Jain - Technical Director

When looking to maximize the effectiveness of your website, one of the things you will benefit from is using a contact form. With this type of form, you will be able to get prospect information, which will help generate a number of sales leads.

Your website might already have one in place and therefore it will be important to use the sign up form to your advantage. However, you will need to find out if you are using this as effectively as you can. In order to get the most out of a contact form on your website, follow a few tips. These tips will help put you in a better position to attract more customers on a regular



Contact the Search Marketing Resource team to discuss your online marketing needs or website development requirements. We will provide a detailed proposal or schedule a brief call to help define the project deliverables, timeline and budget.

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