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What is SEO and Why is It Important?

Website Design for SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and in short, SEO is the art of designing and formatting your website in such a way that Google, as well as other internet search engines, can easily understand it and know what your site is for, and then matches it to users who need the type of information that you have on that site.

Web “crawlers” are automated commands designed to catalog the contents of the World-Wide-Web so that the search engines constantly improve their search algorithms and the results generated by them. Part of this is the wording you use in the content you create for your site, but that is only a very small part of SEO.

These crawlers look at the code behind the scenes–that is invisible to the user–to help it understand what content exists within the page via a code structure provided to help these crawlers quickly navigate and document the site’s content.

This unique structure includes special lines in the code to help describe what the page is about (a meta description), list the keywords that apply to this particular page (meta keywords) and even uses page titles and the names of graphic files on the page to help these crawlers provide search results that are the best match for the users searching for them.

Good SEO on your site increases the number of visitors to your site, the number of pages they visit, and the amount of time they spend on your site. All of this is good for you because it results in more sales leads and sales of your goods and services for your business.

Want to know more about website design for SEO?

Contact us at Search Marketing Resource. We can provide you with more detail about our SEO marketing programs and website design for SEO. Sign up for a free search marketing proposal or a free website design proposal today



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