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Using Long-Tail Keyword Research in Your SEO Marketing Program to Create Qualified Customer Leads

One of the biggest challenges for SEO marketing programs is how to find good long-tail keyword phrases that don’t only bring potential customers to your website, but bring customers who are looking to make a leap to the next step and buy your products and services.

Differentiate Yourself from Other Businesses

If you are a local business, differentiating yourself from other businesses is easy. Look for long tail keyword phrases that have a high search volume and simply add your city name and state at the end of it.

SEO marketing strategies Charleston, SC

For example, if you are an oral surgeon that has a practice near San Diego, California, use phrases such as “oral surgery San Diego, CA” or “oral surgeon San Diego, California.” By adding city names and states after your keyword phrases, you can easily improve your rankings and might even land on the top-3 positions for local search results if you do this well. Don’t forget to do this for other cities and suburbs near your place of business that you hope to draw customers from.

Use Long Tail Keyword Research to Connect with Your Ideal Target Audience

There are a lot of free online tools that can help you with keyword research, but you don’t necessarily need them to help you come up with good long-tail keyword research terms. Talk to your customers. How did they find you online? What phrases did they use when searching for your business?

You can even try to put yourself in your customers’ shoes, and enter keyword phrases into your Google search bar, and Google’s “autofill” feature might lead you to some search terms you have not considered before. Autofill lists keyword phrases that other users have entered when searching that particular product or service. If one of your competitor’s sites appears on the first page of Google results for that keyword phrase, then you know that you’ve stumbled upon a good long-tail keyword phrase.

Engage Customers Who Are Ready to Buy

Adding terms such as “sales,” “pricing,” “sale,” or “special” at the end of your core keyword phrase is a great way to help target customers who are ready to purchase your product or service right now.

Some terms to consider adding to the beginning of your core keyword phrase might be “find,” “best,” “learn about,” “experience,” and any other term that puts the customer in the mindset of gathering more information about your particular product or service.

Improve Your Online Presence Using Long Tail Keyword Research Services from Search Marketing Resource

We are long tail keyword research experts. Get a free SEO website audit so we can identify and uncover opportunities to use keyword research to increase your website traffic and improve sales for your company. Give us a call at 888-842-9033, or email us at to get more information.



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