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Best Practices of Website Design for Medical Practices – Part 2


Last month in part 1 of our blog series: Best Practices of Website Design for Medical Practices, we covered the following points:

  • Make Sure You Have Mobile Friendly Website Design
  • Provide a Comprehensive List of the Medical Services You Offer
  • List the Insurance Providers You Accept
  • Provide Comprehensive Bios for All of Your Medical Staff

Medical practices are some of the most competitive businesses out there, and you can use any advantage you can get in the marketplace. Sometimes a “little thing” such as configuring your website design for SEO can make the difference between a full appointment book and an empty one.

Optimize the Site for Local SEO

Recent studies have shown that more than 77% of possible patients have searched for medical practices nearest their location. You want to make sure that your medical practice is at the top of that list in the Google search results. Getting into the “top 3” can have a dramatic impact on the number of patient inquiries about your practice. A good place to start is setting up a Google My Business page for your medical practice.

Website design services Charleston, SC for medical practice

Make Your Medical Practice Easy to Review

One of the biggest factors customers consider when choosing a medical practice is the online reviews presented on sites such as Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp and many more. Not only do customers read reviews before selecting a medical practice, but Google ranks sites that have a lot of review activity higher. So it makes sense to integrate customer reviews into your SEO marketing program.

Make it easy for your clients to leave reviews by giving them links to your review sites. Make the links easy to find out on your website, include them on your brochures and business cards, and even in your email signatures. You send them email after a visit, or hire a reputation management company to reach out to your customers and ask them to provide a review for your medical practice.

Add Online New Patient Registration and Appointment Scheduling

Customers who are tech savvy will appreciate the ability to complete the new patient registration paperwork before the appointment either online via a form or be able to print the paperwork to complete it manually. This allows your patient to look up any information that they might not know off hand to speed up the registration process.

Online appointment scheduling is another great way to add a level of service to your practice, allowing your patients to choose the most convenient times from available appointment times. Get in touch with a website design services company–such as Search Marketing Resource–to add this convenient feature to your medical practice website.

Search Marketing Resource Offers Reputation Management Services for Your Medical Practice

Recent studies have proven that encouraging customer reviews on your website improves your SEO rankings, grows traffic to your website, and increases the visibility of your medical practice in your local area. Want to learn more?

Give us a call at 888-842-9033, email us at, or complete our simple online form for a free search marketing services proposal to find out how Search Marketing Resource can put together a reputation management services package for you today.



Contact the Search Marketing Resource team to discuss your online marketing needs or website development requirements. We will provide a detailed proposal or schedule a brief call to help define the project deliverables, timeline and budget.

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