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Boost Your Page Load Speed with These Tips


Did you know that web and blog pages that load faster normally have a higher ranking in search engine results paralleled to those that load slower? It is true!

Google, Bing, and other search engines now use page load speed in their search algorithm penalties and search functions. The reason behind this addition to their search engine algorithm is that pages that load faster are more likely to give users a better experience than those loading slower.

Testing Page Speed

The best place to get started with testing your page speed is by monitoring and testing to locate the problems that may be making your page speed slow.

You can choose to start with the free tools:

These powerful tools above help you identify and locate anything that slows down your pages. We often use the Google Developers Speed Page Insights for websites to ensure they are “up to speed.”

To get started, you key in your blog URL and get a report that provides you with processes that work or not on your blog.

What Speeds Do Your Hosting Servers Have?

Most servers host their speed information online and, if you’re not sure about yours, go online or contact the support team to inquire about their server speed. Understanding this information will help you see if you need faster hosting servers for your blog and web pages to have enough speed to handle peak time traffic. You can also see if there are other options to speed up page load without changing your hosting provider.

Optimize Images

Ensure your images are optimized. Resize images to the required size sufficient for designed web pages before uploading them. This is important because larger images drain resources and consume more space hence slowing down blog speed. Ensure blog images are saved in JPEG and PNG formats.

Minify Codes

Delete unwanted Javascript, CSS, and HTML codes to enhance blog speed. Contact a web developer to help you with this technical issue if you do not understand coding.

Notice: Don’t delete everything without backing up your site.

Update Software

Finally, ensure your software is updated. This will include themes and plugins as well. An outdated platform results into, slower load times, conflicts, and expose your site to hackers who can cause havoc to your business and sometimes cause your search engine optimization results to decrease.



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